Steam Power Co generation systems

  • On a biomass/gas/oil fired steam boiler it is possible to add a T2P steam power co-generation unit suplying both hot water and electricity.
  • The capacities offered vary from 50 kWe ? 300 kWe with efficiencies between 10 ? 20 % depending on the pressure and the required condensing temperatures (60 C ? 90 C )
  • Because of the expansion ration of steam the co-generation solution is made with a 2 stage ? cascade expander solution and a condenser.
  • The system pump is included in the boiler, not in Termo2Power scope of supply!
  • This type of solution is ideal for drying/cleaning applications what have a 24/7 demand for heat and power like swimming pools/wood & food processing industry etc.
  • Low pressure co generation units ( 10 bar ) can be realized using a single expander and a condenser.
water – steam
mass flow kg/s 0,500
Boiler 1
max temperature 0C 220
max pressure bar 23
heating capacity kW 1200
Expander 1
power kW 122
efficiency % 85
Expander 2
power kW 98
efficiency % 75
Generator 1
power kW 116
generator 0,95
Generator 2
power kW 93
generator 0,95
temperature 0C 95
pressure bar 0,84608
cooling capacity kW 927
Final Efficiency
efficiency % 17,4
Electrical Power
Qel kWe 208,9